AUSTAR's C-True, a product brand of the automatic visual inspection product line, offers a comprehensive range of automatic inspection machines, including automatic visual inspection machines, combo visual inspection &leak detection machines, and leak detection machines, etc., for reliable inspection of defects in a wide range of pharmaceutical products and containers. C-True also can integrate CCIT functional stations for online leak detection.
Unique “Camera non-tracking” visual Inspection technologies for more stable image acquisition are applied in C-True inspections to ensure accurate inspection. C-True pioneering use of machine learning algorithms from our partner- Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), a national research institution specialized in Artificial Intelligence, optical research, image processing, enables highly efficient, multi-inspection of various containers and products, further reduces false reject rates, and improves the standards of inspection quality.
Self-designed, developed, and manufactured by AUSTAR, our reliable and technologically advanced automatic inspection machines can reach the speed of 600 pieces per minute on liquid products.
With more than 30 years of inspection experience and wide expertise in advanced inspection technologies, AUSTAR C-True can deliver customized, modular, and flexible solutions tailored to your needs. Whatever the task - particle and cosmetic inspection or leak detection, we develop the optimal inspection solutions for each client to ensure drug quality meets the specifications.